Showing posts with label tfg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tfg. Show all posts

Monday, June 8, 2020


I am reading sporadically since our province declared a state of emergency last March 18 because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Under normal conditions, I would portion any book I will read into (at least) five, and then I make sure to finish a portion each day. Rule. But since the lockdown, to pick a book up again was difficult. Oftimes it takes days to nudge me back.

The night used to be my best buddy because it is quiet, the ideal time to read. I already lost count the many times I told myself “just one more chapter” right after finishing the last one. But lately, the idleness of the day leaks into the night, and I would lie awake in bed, not reading at all, wishing the Sandman will be kind.

The last two months of winter were the most challenging as I cannot walk around the park or sit on a bench and read. The best I could do was taking the pup for a quick walk out on the sidewalk.

Boohoo, right? My husband said that it was from the stress of worrying, which is true. So, I thought of ways to bust these pandemic blues away and get my reading mojo back on track.


I’ve been reading with audiobooks before. Although I usually set them aside for walking and long bus rides, I now cling to them more often. I bought the audiobook copies of my most anticipated list from Google Play. I read along while listening as much as I could, but often, I switch to just listening. And those I could not go thru even in audio, I drop. I figured it is not the time to dawdle on things I cannot finish on the first go.


I work mostly from home, even before the lockdown. And so, weekdays leave me eating lunch alone. The house rule is no reading, or internet browsing, or phones while we are having meals together. Technically speaking then, reading while eating on my own isn’t breaking any rules.


I’ve learned the art of heaping snow more efficiently during the lockdown. I’ve emptied all my worries and frustrations into it. Oh yes, that double-truck driveway and sidewalk were no match for me while I was listening to Brittany Pressley and January LaVoy.


I know people who also mastered the "reading while on treadmill" trick. Believe that you can do it too. I listen to audiobooks whenever or however I can squeeze them into whatever I am doing as well. I play them on speakers while cooking, folding the laundry, and (lately) gardening.


While some people make sure to stay away from social media to reduce stress, I go to Twitter and Facebook in search of people who share a story or two. Lucky days turn my searches into gold. Other days, my find could be an animal rescue story too. Then my faith in humanity is restored, and I am happy to pick up my book again.


I joined the latest two online book discussions with my beloved book club. And it turned out my dear bookish friends was all I need to vanish this blues away finally. They made me realize again why I love to read. Nothing thumps the spark of lively chatter. I’ve missed them so much.


Now that the warmer months are here, and the province is phasing its way to reopening public places and the economy, I get to walk in the park longer, seat and read, and drink my coffee in tranquility again. 

My worries, of course, is not more valid than what others may have, and we battle them differently as well. I merely hope my undertakings during these difficult times will motivate you likewise to read your pandemic blues away too.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Book Review | NEWS OF OUR LOVED ONES by Abigail DeWitt

October 2, 2018

Set in France and America, News of Our Loved Ones is a haunting and intimate examination of love and loss, beauty and the cost of survival, witnessed through two generations of one French family, whose lives are all touched by the tragic events surrounding the D-Day bombings in Normandy.
What if your family’s fate could be traced back to one indelible summer?

The book club agreed to read historical fiction for the month of September. I decided to read just a couple of books, but, then, this copy came to me fortuitously. I received an email from the publisher, advising me to follow a link. I asked myself, “Do I really need to read another war story, after getting off from the American Civil War?”

I’m glad I did. I don’t regret following that link.

This is a World War II story, revealing the lives of the Delasalle family and those who have crossed their paths before and after the D-Day Landing at the port city of Caen, in France’s Normandy region. It showed many ways war takes its toll and how death can leave irreversible effects, tearing families apart. Remaining family members revisit memories; retell events, desperately trying to chase the ripples of their tragedy down the next generations. The guilt of being alive, while many have perished, followed them. They acutely cling to every life tangible to keep them afloat.

NEWS OF OUR LOVED ONES is handsomely imagined, with engaging characters and stirring events. Ms. DeWitt managed to bring together a generational family story from individual narratives, creating a mosaic of love, death, estrangement, resilience, and remembrance.

This striking book is perfect for historical fiction lovers.

Book Details:
Publication: October 2, 2018, HarperCollins
Genre: Historical Fiction

*Thank you HarperCollins for this Flash Giveaway.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


June 5, 2018
Disney Hyperion

Cliff Hubbard is a huge loser. Literally. His nickname at Happy Valley High School is Neanderthal because he's so enormous-6'6" and 250 pounds to be exact. He has no one at school and life in his trailer park home has gone from bad to worse ever since his older brother's suicide.

There's no one Cliff hates more than the nauseatingly cool quarterback, Aaron Zimmerman. Then Aaron returns to school after a near-death experience with a bizarre claim: while he was unconscious he saw God, who gave him a list of things to do to make Happy Valley High suck less. And God said there's only one person who can help: Neanderthal.

To his own surprise, Cliff says he's in. As he and Aaron make their way through the List, which involves a vindictive English teacher, a mysterious computer hacker, a decidedly unchristian cult of Jesus Teens, the local drug dealers, and the meanest bully at HVHS--Cliff feels like he's part of something for the first time since losing his brother. But fixing a broken school isn't as simple as it seems, and just when Cliff thinks they've completed the List, he realizes their mission hits closer to home than he ever imagined.

NEANDERTHAL OPENS THE DOOR TO THE UNIVERSE covers plenty of components prevailing high school dramas nowadays. It will pull you in different directions. But high school is not a high school without its dramas. And I love how Preston Norton held it all together and accomplished a profound deliberation. He pulled no punches and they all connected. There are plenty of raw emotions, and I truly believe many will benefit from reading this, whether they believe in God, or not.

Cliff is such a remarkable character. Neanderthal. Everything about him is huge, including his compassionate heart and quick-witted brain. There is balance in him (Luke Skywalker would be so proud) not many people notice. But there is also pain and guilt in him. Many times I wanted to hug this giant and tell him that his heart is in the right place.

This book is amazingly moving and funny. I may have snuffled and snickered in some places, both at the same time. I spent highlighting several passages; I cannot get enough of Norton’s wit. He assembled an array of curious characters and addressed vital issues, BIAS foremost among them. A big issue comprised of many things, making life unbearable for most people, especially for our youth.

I cannot recommend this book highly enough. For the sensitive folks, be advised that there is plenty of swearing. But also know that life isn’t real without them.

We're all gonna die. And we only have so many fucks we can give in a lifetime.
So give a fuck about the things that matter most.

Book details:
Author:  Preston Norton
Publication:  Disney Hyperion; June 5, 2018
Genre:  Young Adult
Rating: ★★★★★

*Thank you Disney Hyperion and Netgalley for the DRC, in exchange for this unbiased review.
*Contains quote from an uncorrected galley proof.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

THE REMAINS OF THE DAY by Kazuo Ishiguro


Dearest James,

I know that introduction is a must, polite even, but on this one, I do suggest that we skip that. It is you who matters, and no one else.

Foremost, how was the end of your motoring trip? Was it pleasant on your return? I do hope that none of the inconveniences you encountered on leaving crossed your path on the way home. It was a good thing Mr. Farraday suggested this motoring trip. You’ve been cooked up in that hall for a very long time. Different scenery gave you a new perspective, indeed. Suddenly you grew up in a span of one week.

Ah, yes, I did read your travelogue and musings. I am quite taken by them. It’s very difficult not to be. Although, I did notice that you often answer your own questions. I boldly assume that those are signs not of confusion but of hesitation to acknowledge the truth. It was a bit alarming -hesitation and advancing age. Don’t make a good match, do they?

It was not difficult, as well, to notice the ever-present topic of greatness and dignity throughout your entries. It is apparent that justification is what you seek. Then, yes James, you are a great and dignified butler. But does that account for all the mistakes you’ve made? No, of course not, old chap. Your dignity lies in your ability not to abandon your professional being (as a butler) during trying times. Always the epitome of restraint, calmness, and placidness. Thus by achieving your goal of greatness, and by withholding your inner feelings and belief, you have forgone a most vital aspect of life –relationships. For you see, dignity and greatness will lose its luster and usefulness, like your father before you. Great butlers will come and go, but a good friend, husband, or father will be cherished for all time.

Oh, but James, if only you had taken the leap… 

Alas and alack, regret is not something we should dwell in. It has already pervaded your thoughts for many years. Bless Ms. Kenton for choosing a different path merely to spite you; but fate has spoken, she’s happily married now. She did say all is well, right? Move on; for her sake, James. As for Lord Darlington, his folly is his; they are not yours to suffer. Loyalty is not measured by how much you've tolerated your employer, but by how well you’ve serve them. You should know that by now. Then let the case rest. Correcting the past is a miserable business, after all. I know you’ve already dwelled along this line for a day, since you made no entry on your fifth day on the road. 

The man at the marina was right, there’s nothing fruitful by dwelling in the past. The day is not yet over. There is much to be gained and done still. You are right, work on your bantering. Make light of life by humor. Women do enjoy men with humor. Well, in any case, humor will make you feel younger.

Farewell, James. Bless you on your new endeavor. Do send news of your improvements, if you can.



PS: Just in case you are wondering, I am not someone older. Just someone who enjoys good bantering.

Book details:
Title:  The Remains of the Day
Publication:  January 1, 2010; Vintage
Genre:  Literary Fiction
Rating: ★★★★

Originally posted here.

Monday, February 6, 2017

CALL ME BY YOUR NAME by André Aciman

Every place I am acquainted with is buzzing with excitement because of Luca Guadagnino’s adaptation of the book. It was initially released last January 22 of this year. I have not seen the movie, though. I don’t usually watch book adaptations (with only two exceptions: the Harry Potter series and Game of Thrones series). Although, Guadagnino’s peculiarity on shooting the entire movie with a 35 mm lens alone, and his reason for doing so, are really intriguing. So, you may rest assured that this is not a movie promotional review.

CALL ME BY YOUR NAME was our TFG book for March of 2016, and it was on my best book list, too. Exploring the internet, you’ll see both accolades and rebukes for the author, the same goes with the book. The aptest description I’ve read so far was “maddening”. This book has the capacity to hurl my emotions into a turbulent sea. My need to resurface for air, every now and then, was acutely palpable.
Adflictus sum et humiliatus sum nimis rugiebam a gemitu cordis mei! -Psalm 37:9 DRA

Reading Elio prompted me to look around me, asking myself if I made the right choices. Mindfully, he allowed me to view choices akin to a tub of boiling water, jumping in will not spare me from scars, but it will be absolutely liberating. I will wear those scars proudly because they are intrinsically part of me. Elio made choices by predicting how these choices will affect his feelings, his being, in the future. He, in every sense, provides his future adult self an emotional revelation he befittingly deserves. It astounded me (it still does, I believe) how Elio marries his present and his envisioned self without any sense of insincerity or regret.
Most of us can't help but live as though we've got two lives to live, one is the mockup, the other the finished version, and then there are all those versions in between. -Sam Perlman

As much as people categorized this book as an LGBT novel or romance, it will remain as a coming of age book for me. The greatest magic of this book is that it shows people, and I mean everyone, will transform. This space we occupy now, though necessary, is evanescent. We will, in essence, continue laboring for our envisioned future selves. In his purity, Elio created a portrait of a love fated to last lifetimes, even when that love is no longer with him. Since every human is driven by desire, we choose to love someone that will aid us to project the kind of person we want to be, into a full-bodied being the world will see. Every desire, present or absent, will help ferry us into that envisioned being.
Instead, I squirreled away small things so that in the lean days ahead glimmers from the past might bring back the warmth. I began, reluctantly, to steal from the present to pay off debts I knew I’d incur in the future. -Elio

SPOILER ALERT. The best part of this book for me was the father and son's reserved scene. It bespoke of a father’s unparalleled love for his son. It squeezed my heart, because, truly, in our pursuit of that envisioned self, we will need all the people who love us.
If there is pain, nurse it, and if there is a flame, don't snuff it out, don't be brutal with it. Withdrawal can be a terrible thing when it keeps us awake at night, and watching others forget us sooner than we'd want to be forgotten is no better. We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything - what a waste! -Sam Perlman

Title:  Call Me By Your Name
Author:  André Aciman
Publication:  January 22nd, 2008; Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Genre:  Fiction / Coming of Age
Rating: ★★★★★

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Happy 2017, Everyone!

This is our annual welcome post, where I get to show you my year of reading, my top list for the previous year, and my wishes and perspective for this glorious year ahead of us. On top of that, The Page Walker’s 4th birthday is just around the corner. So, I bid you greet me a Happy Bloggy Birthday. Go ahead, don’t be shy.

 My Year 2016 in Books

Goodreads was good enough (pun not intended), to compile our yearly reading for us. So, simply click on the photo above and you’ll be electronically transported to that beautiful cover collage.  According to Goodreads, I read 62 books last 2016 (rereads not included). Pretty good job for a lazy sloth like me, I guess. The thing is I don’t regret reading any of these books. In fact, I’ve had some very satisfying reads. Most of them were real tearjerkers, some were bloody murder, and some were as scary as hell.

Last July 2016, I’ve already posted half of my best list, so, I’ll just add the rest here.

  1. Stormy Weather by Dermot Davis – This is a philosophical challenge. I chose it for my TFG Bingo card because it posed a very intriguing storyline. I had a huge take from this story because it tells the story of a therapist struggling with his own priorities.
  2. Leave Me by Gayle Forman – I connected with this book. The main character voiced every exhausted mother’s plea and call for validation.
  3. The Sinner by Amanda Stevens – This is the 5th installment of the Graveyard Queen. And I admit to loving this series too much because it scared me out of my pants (and out of my bed, too).
  4. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows – Another book for the TFG Bingo. This is a sweetheart. I dearly love all the exchanges.
  5. All In  (The Naturals #3) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
  6. Bad Blood (The Naturals #4) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes – The Naturals is one freakin’ psyched series. I love it.
  7. Stay Where You Are And Then Leave by John Boyne – The same guy who wrote The Boy In the Striped Pyjamas wrote this book, so, I don’t need to tell you to grab a huge roll of tissue when you read this.
  8. The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino – This book is deceptive, I tell you. It lulled me into believing that it’d be the perfect murder. Then, the ending happened, and I totally lost it. Bloody murder and a tearjerker, rolled into one. What a punch!
  9. A List of Cages by Robin Roe – This debut novel crushed my heart most assuredly. It made me cry, it made me angry – I felt absolutely helpless. The roll of tissue failed to rescue me from this one. I highly recommend this.

I’m proud of my TFG Bingo Challenge, even though I’m 4 books shy of completing a blackout. I finished 21 books, with 5 patterns.  I had great times exploring books to fit into each category and enjoyed most of my choices. Kudos to the mind who sacrificed both time and effort in creating such challenges. You can click on the pattern below to embiggen.
 TFG Bingo
2016 turned me into a very lousy blogger, averaging to 2 entries a month. There is no excuse, really. Simply, lazy and uninspired. As I said earlier, The Page Walker is turning 4 this January. So, it’s time to seriously put the -ING into ADULTING. I’ll do my best to post something significant every week.

As to my reading, I still aspire to read satisfying books -those books that wounds, scars, and mends; those that will scare the wits out me; and those that will keep me at the edge of my seat (or perch, or wherever). I may even read a lesser number this year, but I want to make sure that all of them are those I've really wanted to read. Like the literary awardees I've been keeping an eye on; those series I've been missing; and those short story collections that have been gathering dust on my shelves. I'd be random and eclectic as always.

Again, thank you for putting up with me all through these times. I appreciate all the emails, the shy people who prefer not leaving a comment, and those who share my links. Sorry for not replying promptly to your emails, or for ignoring most of them. I am an awful, awful blogger, sorry. Yet again, to all the publicists and authors, kindly read my policy thoroughly before sending me an email. And if you could maybe get my name right sometimes, that would be awesome.  😉 Goodspeed!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Say It With A Book #10 | All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

With Guest Book Reviewer | Mawi Lopez

ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES is the story of how one event joined the lives of Violet Markey and Theodore Finch. I kept on coming across reviews that say this book is The Fault in Our Stars meets Eleanor and Park, but honestly I don't see the comparison with either of the two. Sure there are similarities with some of the characters but the themes presented between all three books were dissimilar. Nevertheless, I liked all three of them. On with this book's review… Btw, I don't really do book reviews so please bear with me :)

I highly recommend this book to people who have gone through and have coped with loss, to readers who love young adult themes and to everyone who wanted a little glimpse of what it's like to have someone so special change your life forever.

The book tackled issues about teenage suicide, bullying, mental/emotional disorder, the feeling of being alone despite having people around, loss, divorce and the effects of broken families on the children. It was done in a way that, I think, young people would appreciate and relate to. The author’s note at the end even included organizations one can contact if they’re experiencing said problems and needed help, which is a really nice thing. On the bright side, the story of how Violet and Finch touched each other’s lives was lovely (because lovely is a lovely word that should be used more often). I can’t help but root for them and hope that everything will turn out well for them both. I, also, was utterly pained by the ending as I was so hoping for it to end the other way. I’m not saying the ending was bad, it was good, but I just wished it did not end that way.

I will end this review with a really lovely quote from the book: 
You are all the colors in one, at full brightness.

PS. I totally love the part where they did the Before I die I want to _______ thing. Because it was a really lovely scene and because it has some Jimmy Page reference (please pardon this JP fan) in it.

Book details: 
Title: All the Bright Places 
Author:  Jennifer Niven
Publication: January 6, 2015; Penguin Random House
Genre:  YA Fiction
Rating: ★★★★

About Mawi:

Born as Maridon Lopez, but we lovingly call her Mawi. We share a common love for dogs, and we both adored the above-reviewed book. Remembering how she felt when she first joined our TFG activity, back in January 2015, she thought that she'd be an oddball. Little did she know that we're all oddballs in our own little ways. She belongs!

TPW:  What is your favorite genre?
Mawi: I will have to say historical fiction and YA, depending on the theme though, nothing too mawkish please.

TPW:  How would you define yourself as a reader?
Mawi:  I always make it a point to read for pleasure alone. If someone asks me to read a book and at some point found it unbearable, I will put it down and find something better to read. Although, sometimes, I find myself finishing just for the sake of finishing, but that happens very rarely. And I never read two books at any given period, as in I have to finish one first before starting another. 

TPW:  Thank you very much, Mawi!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Say It With A Book #9 | UNWIND by Neal Shusterman

With Guest Blogger | Dr. Rehana V. Pallingayan, M.D.

There are stories which can scare the shits out of little kids when the lights are turned off but only effective for a few years because they realize these are not real when they reach their teens. There are lesser stories that can scare a teenager but its effects are more brutal, the scars won't go away even when they crossed their 20th year of life, even if they are in their deathbeds at age 80. Unwind is one such story that could scare these teens, not just because of the act itself but because it roots in their inner fear of being unwanted. As an adult reading this, I have but one fear that fiction may become real. The line is thin, so thin that a Heartland war may just be in its way.

My job makes me witness the effects of transplantation. We have good success rates when it comes to Corneal transplants and Kidney transplants. We also had successful liver and intestine transplants. We had dealt with heart transplants and lung transplants in the past. You see the effects of a second chance to these people- they try to live their lives fuller; that little kid could now dream for his future; a parent's wish could come true; and a wife is ensured of not being a widow. There is this satisfaction when one says the phrase- "A life well spent". But the other side of the story is as real as these stories of hope. The queue on the triage of who gets a kidney first is long and every day the end just gets farther. We do have a national organ donation program focused not only in the aim of delivering organs to these transplant patients but also in caring for the donors, making sure they are not victims of organ trafficking and that they are well aware that even if they still have a kidney, their lives have changed, same way that one can learn to ride a unicycle after learning to use a bicycle. A bicycle will always be stable.

What I loved about this book is the strength of its character development, these teens presenting their own stories merging into one central plot- the right to exist, to experience firsthand on how it is to live. You are drawn in their sadness, frustrate about what is lacking and cheer them further to reach greatness. The books also let you go back to the basic morals you carry within or without the topic of one's religious doctrines. Even minor characters have served their purpose, may it be the dead ones or a portion of their brain. As a young adult book, I hope the teenager gets the point of how stupid and at the same time beautiful it is to be an adult. I hope they understand how one's choices could shape the world, that it is easy to commit mistakes and harder to swallow its repercussions. But hopefully the message the kid gets is this- it is always the better option to choose life. 

Transplantation is not a bad thing. Organ trafficking however is a different structure. The concept of unwinding is the most ridiculous type of organ trafficking that I hope will never come to existence. It is not the question of a soul, a religious belief or a scientific know-how but of one's integrity as a human. We are allowed to save lives but never to be above anything to be allowed to take another's life.

Book details:
Title:  Unwind
Author:  Neal Shusterman
Publication:  June 2nd 2009; Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers 
Genre:  YA, Sci-fi
Rating:  ★★★★★

About Ranee:

  Ranee is TFG's in-house surgeon, probably one of the wittiest and sweetest doctors you'll get to meet She is very keen on volunteering in numerous medical missions nationwide.  When I asked Ranee's permission to feature one of her reviews here, I told her I was desperate. I was, really. I have it in mind to introduce her here for a long time now, and I am really glad that she finally agreed this time. 

Friends, “the Doctor is IN.”

TPW:  What is your favorite genre?
Ranee:  No particular favorite, I do not know if I do have a favorite genre but most likely it would be lit-fic. 

TPW:  How would you define yourself as a reader?
Ranee:  Definitely a moody one, oh wait a sniffer! Yes, definitely a sniffer, I smell books before I read or buy them.  
But really, it is my book collection that dictates. After finishing one book, I stare at my book case and just like in a trance, I seem to hear one book trying to catch my attention telling me to read it, so I do read it. Well it does help that I am a book hoarder so I have a vast collection of (unread) books waiting for my attention.

TPW:  Thank you very much, Ranee, for sharing this review. This won't be the last, I hope!

Thursday, February 11, 2016


The Oracle is at it again! Our Reading Challenge for 2016 at the book club is called TFG Bingo. Each one of us chose a number (1-75), and each number represents a card. No two cards are alike, I presume. Now, the card is very tricky. Instead of numbers, each box could represent a book genre, topic, setting, or a certain book list found in Goodreads.

Here’s my card:

As you can see, I’ve already marked the set I wanted to pursue. I am posting this here so that I can keep track of the challenges I’ve set upon myself. Each mark will be replaced by a book title if I finish a challenge, so I think I’ll add this to my sidebar for easy access.

There is no strict rule on when each challenge should be accomplished, except that we finish it within the calendar year. But I guess I should add for myself, on this challenge, any Advanced Reading Copy (ARC) does not apply. That would be like hitting two birds with one stone, and it wouldn’t be an honest challenge at all.

TFG had been doing these challenges for years now. It’s not only fun, but a good way to further stretch our reading horizon or step out from our comfort zones. I’m glad that a good number of members still enlist themselves. And, I highly appreciate the people who take time to conceptualize and initiate these challenges (Yay!).

Monday, December 7, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge | December

So, here we are. December finally caught up with us. Days are already filled with listing, planning, shopping, and gift wrapping. I'm still hoping to include reading on that list.

Here's what I read last November:
  • Still Life with Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen - 5/5 stars - I love the tone of the narration, and I simply breezed through this.
  • The Undoing by Averil Dean - 3.5/5 stars - Surprised by how good this book was. I just wished for a better intro. Book release on the 29th this month.
  • Alternative Alamat  edited by Paolo Chikiamco - 3/5 stars - TFG's book for November, which we happened to discuss last FilReaderCon. This is an average rating. I should probably write a comprehensive review on which stories I liked best and which I don't. 
  • The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury - 4/5 stars - I was granted to take a sneak preview, and I am looking forward to its release on February 2016.
And that concludes my Reading Challenge for 2015 of 70 books. Although, I was not able to read Winter People like I planned last month; and I've put both The Invention of Wings (64%) and The Golem and the Jinni (68%) on hold. I'm still thinking of finding ways to finish them within the year.

Before I go, allow me to be the first to greet you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead!

Monday, November 16, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge | November

A friend, The Book Hooligan, posted his essential reading list for November late last week. It was only then that I realized that I haven't had the chance to post mine. So, here I am, in the middle of the night, typing away, whilst my dog sleeps beside me through my clicking keyboard.

Last October, I was able to finish the following books:
  • Monstress by Lysley Tenorio - 4/5 stars -  TFG 's book for the October.
  • Nirvana by JR Stewart - 3.5 stars - The story has a great premise based on the extinction of bees and how it affected our future. I had the chance to read both the 1st draft and the final revision, which calls for a new review. 
  • The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson - 4/5 stars - The book tackled the issue of PTSD from a young adult's point of view. 
  • The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman - 4/5 stars - I really enjoyed the adventure. Looking forward to reading the next book soon.
For November I've lined up the following:
  • Winter People by Jennifer McMahon
  • Still Life with Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen
  • The Undoing by Averil Dean
  • Alternative Alamat  Edited by Paolo Chikiamco
I've put The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd on hold, indefinitely, because the plot is turning tedious for my present state of being. Busy people cannot afford to be dragged down altogether by the plot, speaking from experience. 

Meanwhile, review requests are still suspended until January 2016. And although some requests try to find me in different avenues, the said schedule and the policy still applies. 

Live long and prosper!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge | October

Aaannnddd we are down to the last quarter! Three more months to go and my reading challenge is down to eleven books. Yes, folks. Eleven more books to conquer my reading challenge for the year. But before I start counting chicks, let me list down what I read last September.
  • Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier - 3/5 stars - The premise and prose were undoubtedly good, but for some reason, it can't hold my interest together. It was just probably me, right?
  • Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee - 5/5 stars - TFG's book for September, which we discussed with FFP. 
  • Family Life by Akhil Sharma - 4/5 stars - A bittersweet story that will stay with me for a while.
  • All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven - 5/5 stars - A really sad book with a good, good purpose.
  • Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill - 3.5/5 stars - An examination of the life and (mostly) of its attachments, leaping from observation to observation.
  • Warren the 13th and The All-Seeing Eye by Tania del Rio - 4/5 stars - A delightful read for all ages. 
And while we're at it, here are the books I chose for the Banned Books Week this year...
  • And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson - 5/5 stars 
  • Drama by Raina Telgemeier - 4/5 stars 
  • It's Perfectly Normal by Robbie H. Harris - 5/5 stars
For October,
  • Monstress by Lysley Tenorio -  TFG 's book for the month.
  • The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd - A carryover from September, 47% thru the book. 
  • Nirvana by JR Stewart - A carryover from September, 57% thru the book.
  • The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson - From my 2014 to-read-books.
  • The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman - From my  2015 to-read-books.
I hope to cross these off from my lists before the month is out, so keep your fingers and toes crossed for me. Thanks!