Showing posts with label cover reveal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cover reveal. Show all posts

Monday, December 15, 2014

First Glimpse | Shifter's Heart by Desiree Williams

Author Desiree Williams is back with her new book, Shifter's Heart, the sequel to Heart Song, coming January 15, 2015. And as promised, The Page Walker gets to have first peek on the book cover. 

About the book: 
As the flames of Varkadon spread, war rips through the Shifter Territory…
With the Aldonnian kingdom celebrating the news of her brother’s soul-bonding, Laelynn seizes every opportunity to drive herself to the brink of exhaustion. If her body is worn, then her brain would be too tired to dream. Laelynn knew the men who’d captured her were gone from this world, but that didn’t stop the haunting images from plaguing her mind. Not even the pesky thorn-in-her-side Shifter Prince could keep the dreams at bay. Though Dustan’s commentary through their mental bond had kept a lingering smile on her lips, despite the battles that rage within her.
Yet when Dustan distances himself Laelynn questions the connection between them. Those fears rise when her own talents begin to morph and grow into the unexpected. Torn between love and faith, Laelynn strives to find the purpose behind the evolving gifts. What she discovers is far more than she ever imagined.
As tragedy befalls the Shifter Territory and brother battles against brother, Laelynn knows what must be done. Face her demons and triumph, or she’ll never claim the song of her heart. 
Dustan stretched as he stood, knocking off the dirt and dried foliage that clung to his pants. The wind picked up speed around him and Dustan stiffened as the hairs on his neck rose. His eyes swept the Clan’s burial site, evaluating the shadows of the nearby woods and memorial monuments. Creaks of branches and the rustling of leaves met Dustan’s ears as the wind whistled through the trees. He breathed deeply, sniffing the air to catch any passing scents. Nothing. Balling his fist, Dustan stepped into a battle stance. Preparing. 
What he hadn’t expected was a bright, blinding light to burst a few feet in front of him. Shielding his eyes with his forearm, Dustan attempted to see beyond the light for a form or bodily outline. His heart skipped a beat when a voice spoke from within it. 
“Dustan, High Prince of the Shifters, mate and heart song to Laelynn, Princess of Aldonnia. The Lord of Heaven has heard your declaration. Do you also vow to love her above all others?” 
The voice, powerful and slightly musical, filled Dustan’s ears and mind. He stood gaping at what was before him. He’d heard stories about Messengers from the Lord of Heaven, but he never believed any of them. The stories were always so farfetched. Too fantastical to be true. 
“Warrior,” the voice sang again, “the princess of Aldonnia will face many things as darkness tries to overcome her. Do you vow to not only protect her, but to love her above all others? To be her light?” The musical voice boomed, and Dustan shook himself from his state of shock. He was Laelynn’s heart song? How? They hadn’t shared a kiss. That he would’ve remembered. Regardless, soul bonded or not, Dustan’s answer would be the same. 
“Yes. I vow myself to Laelynn. I pledge to ensure that she is protected and loved above all others.” As the last words fell from Dustan’s lips the light sped forward, stabbing its way into his chest. Dustan clawed and yelled in vain. Intense pressure built as the Messenger invaded every cell of his being. 
Dustan dropped to the ground. A cry tore from his mouth as searing pain radiated from his back; as though duel blades were cutting a jagged pattern down his spine. Light shone from his eyes and limbs, illuminating the burial site. His chest heaved with labored breaths and a mangled cry passed his lips as he watched his hands form into the impossible. Dustan’s feet and legs following behind them, his entire body morphed into a vision that would haunt him. 
The Messenger slowly detached itself from Dustan, leaving his body to crumble to the ground. Dustan staggered to his feet, tossing his head to clear his mind. As the fog lifted he was again faced with the horrors of his new body. His mind raced to find the logic behind what his eyes were seeing, screaming that it wasn’t possible. That it wasn’t fair. The dreams of life he held just moments ago, gone in an instant. 
A roar of agony ripped through the air. It was no longer a roar of a man, but of a monster. 

Read more about Desiree Williams here.


Raffle winners will be announced on December 19,
 at 9 am EST, 
via Desiree's blog, Facebook and Twitter account.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

First Glimpse | Sapphire's Divinity by Justine Winter

Cover Reveal | Sapphire's  Divinity by Justine Winter

The sequel to Nature's Destiny is coming out on August 27, and Justine Winter allowed us a very enticing first glimpse of the book cover.

Title:  Sapphire's  Divinity
Author:  Justine  Winter
Release  Date:  27th  August  2014

Genre:  Paranormal  Romance
About the Book:

I  was  a  hybrid  werewolf  with  a  secret  destiny  shadowed  by  a  prophecy  the  Ancient  Guardians  foretold.  The  same  Ancient  Guardians  that  had  organized  the  annual  Alpha  summit  Riley had been summoned to.

Since  Jackson's demon threat everyone was powered up on overtime at the gym.  Train, sweat, repeat.  Train, sweat, repeat.

But all that rage-filled preparation wasn’t enough.  We  were  being  targeted  by  something  new,  and it didn't stop there.

The summit was proving to be my nemesis.  Egotistical  morons  challenged  me  with  threats  to  the  one  I  loved,  and  I  knew  I  couldn't  endure  a  life without  Riley.

Besides all of that,  there was one thing  I  was finally understanding the supernatural.  Nothing was as it seemed.

Not even me.

Find more about Justine Winter here.

Nature's Destiny is currently on sale on these sites:
Amazon  UK  
Amazon  US  

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

First Glimpse | Heart Song by Desiree Williams

Cover Reveal | Heart Song by Desiree Williams

A dreamer by day and chocoholic by night, author Desiree Williams is very excited to share with us the first glimpse of her debut - Heart Song - out in June 2014.


About the book:

In Aldonnia, the evil of Varkadon overflows its borders. War ravages the lands…

For as long as eighteen-year-old Alanna can remember she’s lived in hiding, sealed off from the outside world. Despite a future built around a steadfast rule of seclusion, Alanna dreams of the impossible. Of a life outside of her parents’ cabin. A life with more for the company than just birds and woodland creatures. A life she knows deep down is impossible for someone with gifts like hers.

That all changes the day Alanna finds a man floating face down in a stream. Despite her parents’ warnings, Alanna pulls the injured man out of the water and heals him with her elemental talents. Just another good deed. Until the man wakes and Alanna realizes so much more has happened than simply a life saved. The healing she performed on the stranger bound her soul to Jerric, the prince of Aldonnia.

Alanna’s heart wants to keep the prince, but duty and destiny intervene. Alanna’s world is rocked as her parents are lost. Left in the care of the family she didn’t know, Alanna learns more than she wanted to about the evil threatening the lands. There is much more behind her parents’ drive to protect. Alanna learns her gifts were bestowed in order to fulfill a greater purpose. A greater calling. One of her enemies seeks to destroy at all costs.

Alanna’s choice is clear. To either ignore her destiny and remain hidden, or boldly fight to keep what sings to her heart.

Read more about Desiree Williams here.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

First Glimpse | Sapphire Crucible by Rival Gates

Cover Reveal | Sapphire Crucible by Rival Gates

Recently, we had the pleasure of having Rival Gates for an interview, and he shared some insights on his book Quest for the Red Sapphire. This time, we are going to have the first peek at the 2nd book of Sapphire Chronicles, due out this month.

About the book:
Captured! In ”Sapphire Crucible” (Book 2 of the Sapphire Chronicles) Linvin Grithinshield and his party find themselves prisoners on the maniacal Lord Mandrean and his Necromancer. The Emperor has a surprise for Linvin. He knows where the Red Sapphire is! In order to attain it, he needs Linvin's help. With his family as hostages, he has no choice but to help.  Now they must find a way to escape, find the Red Sapphire, and make it home alive. Along the way, they must fight ever-growing odds of survival.

Where to find Rival Gates:

Monday, March 10, 2014

First Glimpse | The Man Test by Amanda Aksel

Cover Reveal and Giveaway | The Man Test by Amanda Aksel

Publication date: March 25, 2014
Genre: Women's Fiction

Amanda Aksel is an author with an affinity for love. Becoming a couple’s therapist was her “backup” career, and after completing her BA in Psychology she was on her way to solving love's most complicated quandaries one couple at a time. The Man Test is Amanda’s debut novel, and now she plans to solve love's most complicated quandaries one novel at a time.

About the book:

Marin Johns is San Francisco’s Pollyanna couples therapist. She’s months away from wedded bliss when she discovers her fiancĂ© is having an affair. After nursing her broken heart with Kleenex and break-up songs, she adopts a new brand of thinking when she uncovers a tell-all book that proves all men are liars and cheaters who will do and say anything so they're not found out. No exceptions.

In an attempt to convince her friends of her newfound truth, she begins a fictitious relationship with James, a do-gooder from Montana. Marin seeks any means necessary to catch him cheating from hiring a PI to enlisting the help of a fidelity tester. Will her new "boyfriend" beat the statistic or will Marin regret the satisfaction of being right?

Find Amanda Aksel here.

Get your copy of The Man Test on March 25th! Don’t forget to enter to win any e-book up to $3.99.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, February 16, 2014

First Glimpse | DEVIATION by Heather Hildenbrand

Cover Reveal

Heather Hildenbrand's fans raved about her Dirty Blood Series. Last April 2013, she released the 1st book in the Clone Chronicles, Imitation. And now she is back with the 2nd book, DEVIATION, publishing March 12, 2014.

About the book:

Deviation, Book 2 of the Clone Chronicles

Protect. Obey. Sacrifice.
These words are the mantra of my existence. I’m not sure if it’s Titus Rogen inspiring my desire to go against what I am or my own DNA deviating. All I can think is how Titus will look when he meets his end. It trumps even my wish for freedom. At this moment, I want nothing more than to watch the life bleed from Titus’s body. And I want it in my own hands.
Titus. The Creator.
I stare at my palms. Strength aside, I wonder if I’m capable of taking a life. A human life; one with a soul. And I wonder if that isn't easier than taking the life of an Imitation. At least humans have souls that live on. What do I have after this? Where will I go? Back into a syringe? Will Titus recycle me? Or will I be lost forever down a lab drain?
We don’t deserve that.
We don’t deserve him.
Deserving and receiving are so very different here. And I am beginning to understand, to beat someone in this world, I'll have to play in it. 

There's more:

Imitation will have its New Adult Version, and for a limited time offer only, readers can have it for free.

About the book:

The Girl Who Wasn't, An Imitation New Adult novel

Everyone is exactly like me.
There is no one like me.
The rough fabric of my cotton nightgown chafes so I lie very still. They say my discomfort comes from being built like one accustomed to niceties. How is that fair when I myself have never experienced anything but copies of the real thing?
My entire life is an imitation.
I am an Imitation.
I've been here for five years. Training. Preparing. Waiting.
And now I have a letter.
My assignment has begun.
I am a prisoner.
I am not Raven Rogen.
I am here to die.

**Adult content. Not suitable for young readers**

Find more about Heather Hildenbrand here.