Showing posts with label Sarah Ockler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarah Ockler. Show all posts

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Say It With A Book # 8 | Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler

Guest Book Reviewer | Ingrid Mae Membrere

It's one of those books about summer that well, isn't all about summer.

It's about a friendship between Anna and Frankie and Matt. Anna the shy one, Frankie the more outgoing one, and Matt the brother of Frankie and the bestfriend-that-is-a-boy for Anna. Happy and Sad. Befores and Afters. But it talks about grief too. I'm not entirely sold about the grief part, but this book did capture the summer vibe. The characters weren't as likeable, or relatable, as I thought they would be (or maybe it's just me outgrowing the YA genre). I could quite say it was a similar read to The Sky is Everywhere so if you've read that book and liked it, you might want to read this book. Also, if you want to know how to find summer flings (20 boys in 3 weeks at The Golden City), then this is the book for you, haha!

Book Details:
Title:  Twenty Boy Summer
Author:  Sarah Ockler
Publication:  June 1, 2009; Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Genre:  YA Fiction
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

About Ingrid:
Hi everyone, meet Ingrid! She is one of the youngest members of TFG, and more of a daughter to me, since my own is just about the same age too. As it happens, this charming young lady recently passed the Occupational Therapist Licensure Examination and hooked the 3rd highest rank. We're all very proud of her!

TPW:  What is your favorite genre?
Ingrid:  My favorite genre would be young adult (Stephanie Perkins, Gayle Forman, John Green, to name a few). I'm probably a wee bit too old for this genre (?) but what I like about these books is that they're relatively easier to read. Most of the time, I read for pleasure; some young adult books would give me warm and fuzzy feelings, some others ignite the thrill-seeker in me through the intense action-packed adventures, but all of which simply take my mind off things.

TPW:  How would you define yourself as a reader?
Ingrid:  As mentioned earlier, I read mostly for pleasure. I guess with that, I could say I'm quite picky and can be a book snob. Life's too short to read books you don't really like, or so someone said. You'd rarely catch me reading philosophical, historical, "heavy" literary works, and other books which would make one think, unless otherwise required (i.e. books of the month) by my book clubs (The Filipino Group and Pinoy Reads Pinoy Books, based on Goodreads). 
When I'm in the mood for reading, or when a book is really, really engaging, I'd make sure to finish it within the day (given the free time) or as soon as I can. But like all readers, I also encounter reading slumps which could go on for days, or weeks. I'm not overly conscious of how I get out of it. I just read what I can, when I can because the only way to get out of a reading slump is, well, to read!

TPW:  Thank you very much, Ingrid, for sharing. Again, congratulations and Godspeed!
Ingrid:  Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog!  ♥♥