Showing posts with label SSS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSS. Show all posts

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Required Reading: September 2014

It's difficult to categorize August as good or bad. The month started out fun and fast. We had a great F2F discussion last August 16, and I was able to finish two (2) David Mitchell books. Then, the flu decided to give me a break, which was really awful because I was not able to finish my reading requirement. But then, my friends (Monique, Angus, and Bennard) and I launched The Short Story Station -a blog solely dedicated to short stories. Please come and visit us. 

  • The Once and Future King by TH White - 4/5 stars - Ronnie dared me to read this book and even provided the audiobook. It turned out to be very engaging indeed, especially with Neville Jason's narration.
  • Fear of Flying by Erica Jong -3/5 stars - TFG August book, our F2F discussion was alive and very interesting.
  • number9dream by David Mitchell - 5/5 stars - It was a roller coaster ride, exhilarating and mind-boggling. 
  • Black Swan Green by David Mitchell 5/5 stars - Jason Taylor is nothing but adorable, and narrator Kirby Heyborne gave true justice to this story.

I still have to finish Ghostwritten and The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet, but that's okay. I am not lining up anything else for this month. Besides, we have Boys and Girls by Alice Munro and Jon by George Saunders for SSS this month. And I have to re-browse through The Storied Life A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin for the joint TFG-FFP discussion later this month.

The BER months are here, and September is just the beginning of some amazing things to happen. I have some surprises reserved for the month that I am excited about. 

Let me know what you have in mind this month.