Showing posts with label Pseudonymous Bosch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pseudonymous Bosch. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Book Review | BAD LUCK by Pseudonymous Bosch

February 9, 2016
Little, Brown Books
Reader, beware! This is a BAD book. A VERY BAD book that will bring you nothing but BAD LUCK. Luckily no one would want to read it as it is extremely BORING and contains NO ADVENTURE whatsoever. No magic. No betrayal. And NO DRAGONS. No flying dragons. No fire-breathing dragons. No dragon hunters. ABSOLUTELY NO DRAGONS. The only reason anyone would DARE read this book is if they are VERY BAD and never do what they’re told. And you always do what you’re told. Don’t you? -Goodreads

Another summer at Earth Ranch, meanwhile Clay is still struggling to understand what he is doing there when he has no magic to pride himself on. But then, things got thicker at Price Island when a cruise ship dropped anchor just right across Mount Forge. A crew of men claims to be searching for a boy who fell off the ship. Or are they, really?

This is the second book in the Bad series. I have not had the pleasure of reading the first book, but I had a marvelous time reading the Secret series almost two years ago. So when I spied this on NetGalley, I needed to grab it at once. Besides, the plot is very easy to follow and the constant need to know what’s next is pounding.  The author’s usual digressions, footnotes, and constant shift from third-person to 1st-person narrative made this even more fun and easy access to any middle-grade (or adult).

Nothing short of entertaining, this book is a brilliant mix of wit, magic, thrill, and adventure. I do suggest you grab a copy when it comes out on February 9, 2016.

Book detail:
Title:   Bad Luck
Series:   The Bad Books #2
Author:   Pseudonymous Bosch
Publication:  February 9, 2016
                        Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Genre: Middle-Grade Fiction
Rating:  ★★★★★

*Thanks to Little, Brown Books and Netgalley for the advance copy in exchange for this honest review.