Showing posts with label Claus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claus. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Book Review | CLAUS: Legend of the Fat Man by Tony Bertauski

An elven known as The Cold One has divided his people. He’s tired of their seclusion and wants to conquer the world. Only one elven stands between The Cold One and total chaos. He’s white-bearded and red-coated. The Santa family will help him stop The Cold One. They will come to the aid of a legendary elven known as...Claus.
I'll bet it's safe to assume that almost everyone in the world knows this guy.  You know the guy who has been keeping tabs if we have been naughty or nice?  Well, we don’t really have to wait for Christmas to get reacquainted with the guy.  Tony Bertauski has given us a chance to know the Fat Man behind the red suit. No, dear, not Superman.  We are talking about Santa Claus here. →

The setting was in the late 1800s.  Nicholas Santa, with his wife (Jennifer) and son (Jon), decided to jump ship and explore the North Pole.  I can't rightly say if it’s unfortunate that they discovered the top of the world inhabited.  The fact is, the place had been occupied for 40,000 years in contentment, until the Fracture. The Santas found themselves caught in the middle of a Nordic elven revolution. Apparently, the new hierarchy hates all warmbloods (humans); and wishes to stop them from polluting the planet, through eradicating every single one. Meanwhile, the separatist believes in peaceful coexistence.   They want humans to know that elves exist in the North Pole.  Those round and bouncy, pink-cheeked and jolly kind of elves.  Ever since the fracture, they have been on the run (or rather, on the jump) for 150 years.

Let us run through your probable questions:  

  • Have you ever wondered why we prefer building a snowman in front of our houses?  
  • How can Santa Claus travel the world in just a single night? Can reindeers really fly?  
  • How can elves survive in the North Pole?  
  • Where do they get their food?  
  • With all that fat, how can Santa Claus fit in the chimney, and still like to eat cookies?  
Now, I have to tell you that this author, Tony Bertauski, is a genius.  Who would ever imagine a Sci-fi Santa Claus story?  This book is a fusion of historical fantasy and modern science.  He successfully let his imagination and creativity carry me through this book.  Magic is not the operative word in this story; it is science and advanced technology.  Mr. Bertauski provided answers to all probable questions and may shock you with more besides.  Discover why Santa Claus is much more than presents.

I do recommend CLAUS.  It is a story of family, love, acceptance, and redemption; without sacrificing humor and smarts.  It is quite difficult to go on with this without outright spoiling anything.  But I have the need to tell you that no one was forgotten in this tale, not even Frosty.

Go get your copy soon and share what you think.

Book details:
Author: TonyBertauski
Genre: Sci-fi and Fantasy, YA
Publisher:  CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 
Publication: June 19, 2012
Rating : ★★★★

 The sequel,
Jack: The Tale of Frost
 is now available on Amazon.

*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review.  The same review is available on Goodreads.