Showing posts with label Andrew Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Smith. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Say It With A Book #6 | 100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith

With Guest Book Reviewer | Roo James

I really wanted to love this book... I really really did! I wanted to think that my putting down Grasshopper Jungle a quarter way through was only because it was the wrong time for me to read it; or because there were too many external stresses keeping me from enjoying it or what have you. But nope... Turns out I don't appreciate Andrew Smith's writing style nor do I think he's a very good storyteller. Yes I know there's Winger, and it was a fantastic read. It really was! But I am now convinced that was just a fluke. 

I also can’t help but notice Smith is churning out novels faster than ever before since the success of Winger. And why wouldn't he? It's an easy paycheque. And good pay at that. Ever since the aforementioned book's success, hordes of readers, including myself, have either marked their calendars, made mental notes, or pre-ordered his new releases. I ain't even mad at that kinda success though. You keep doing you, Drew.

Anyway, I should get to the actual review at some point I guess. This "story" is about an epileptic boy named Finn who has an odd scar on his back that he's horribly embarrassed about, but still insists on being shirtless whenever possible, practical or not. He also has two different colored eyes. Because there is a character in his father's bestselling novel also named Finn who shares similar physical characteristics, our hero struggles with whether or not his life is his own, or if he is just some character stuck in his father's book. Really? That's the best you could do Smith? 

Anyway, that's about it for the "story". Everything else is completely incidental. The way he got his scar, his 4 or 5 seizures, his girlfriend, his relationship with his best friend, all of that and more in no way moves the plot forward. Oh, and there was also no real plot.

If I considered this a 3-star book, this is the part where I'd move on to the positives rather than the negatives. But alas, it is not, and I wouldn't encourage this book to my friends, so I won't. 

With all that said, I seem to be the minority in my opinions on this book. If you loved Winger (which is likely how you know about this book in the first place) then you may just want to give this one a go. 

I also wasn't a fan of the narrator's voice. The way he measures time in the distance is silly and not believable. The way he says "Look:" before every few paragraphs become redundant and mildly irksome.

Book details:
Title:  100 Sideways Miles
Author:  Andrew Smith
Publisher:  Simon & Schuster
Publication:  September 2, 2014
Genre:  Fiction
Rating: 2 stars

About Roo James:

Hello! I always believe that the best part about the ‘reading world’ is gaining new friends who share the same love and passion for books. Roo is one of those friends and I admire his impartial opinions on what he reads. 

TPW:   What is your favorite genre?  
Roo:  I have been in a Young Adult phase for about a year and a half, and I don't think I will be kicking the habit soon. There are so many amazing YA series and authors out there and the more YA I read, the more YA I add to my list.   I also really enjoy self improvement books as well. Every once in a while I'll read a great book for spiritual, emotional, and professional growth.

TPW:  How would you define yourself as a reader?
Roo: My reading depends on my mood. I love contemporary novels to fantasy stories to horror books and more. I keep my shelves well stocked with many different genres that way I can pick up a great book whatever my mood is. 

TPW:  Roo, thank you very much for accommodating my request. I truly appreciate it. ♥