Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Many times, I've read this book alluded as Calvino-esque, which I find really wrong, foremost, because I cannot stress enough how much I disliked how the stories in Calvino's If on a Winter's Night a Traveler were put together. Meanwhile, the stories in The Way Through Doors conjunct intriguingly well. And this, this is an absolute pleasure to read.
Let us make a pact, she said. To madness at every juncture!
It is fortuity that our enigmatic protagonist, Selah Morse, is a pamphleteer, since, in this winding novel, he must tell stories all night to an equally enigmatic young lady suffering (plausibly) from a temporary memory loss. He began by explaining his work as a municipal inspector (doing many things, yet seemingly nothing), in a surreptitious office inside a surreptitious building, with a badge that can open many doors. His stories bled into stories that bled some more, exactly like two dogs chasing each other in circles. There is nothing linear about this book except for Mora Klein having drawn an image with precise angles. His peculiar characters, including a lover, a guess artist, and a gambler, evaporate only to apparate again in another story.

My favorite story -well it is not the story itself, but how the words were knitted together nicely- is Entering Rooms, a Grammar and Method.
Sometimes one must be more careful of being seen in happiness than in grief or anger. A great deal may be told from the expression of a happy man or woman. In any case, one must be prepared for the worst, and ready. Therefore, pause a moment before passing through a door, unless, of course, one is being watched on the outside, or one’s approach to the door is being timed, as in a situation when one is buzzed through an exterior door. In that case, one does not have the leisure to pause, for that pause would in its turn be noted and interpreted in a variety of ways, some of which would be harmful. Therefore, perhaps we should say, make the pause a mental pause, a sort of inner unveiling of precaution. It should last barely a second, and immediately preface the entering of the room in question.
A very curious story, too, because of our protagonist’s name, Selah, which if translated literally is “Pause”. Now thinking about it, most of the names here are curious.

THE WAY THROUGH DOORS is a very interesting read, with its iced tea that could taste better in a Cabernet bottle, the dead-letter office that housed a couple and their dog, and the secret of  Lincoln’s Folly.

Question:  Is Selah Morse as cute as Jesse Ball?
I don't know. It didn't say.

Book details:
Title:  The Way Through Doors
Author:  Jesse Ball
Publication:  February 10, 2009; Vintage
Genre:   Metafiction
Rating: ★★★★

Monday, November 6, 2017

Book Review | AUTUMN by Ali Smith

AUTUMN begins in a dream-like state. Daniel Gluck is dead. He supposed he is in heaven because he looks young again and naked. It is as if rebirth took place by the seashore and he is the only one who survived. The truth is, the time has finally caught up with Daniel. He is reliving some old memories, and escape is inevitable at this state.
Is there never any escaping the junkshop of the self?
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Demand is experiencing the hard reality of the bureaucratic world. Her passport application was rejected: “Your face is the wrong size… The correct size in the photograph submitted, the man says, is between 29 millimeters and 34 millimeters. Yours falls short by 5 millimeters.” Apparently, there are correct stipulations in life, measurements that we have to abide by, like sizes, dates, and time. Very unlike in death.

This is my first Ali Smith, and I find myself in a difficulty here, describing how her writing works, or how this book worked for me. To call her wonderful seems underrated. To pronounce her difficult, on the other hand, seems obtuse. And yet, I find her both wonderful and difficult.

I find her words fluid, yet I don’t know where it will lead me. They seem to make no sense until it gets me where it needs me to be, where it is profound and unblinking. Smith can move from poetic, to conversational, and matter-of-factly funny. At one point, the book tells about the Brexit and the chaos it brought to the English nation. Still, in a succession of recollections, it tells about life in its minute form. Autumn is the paradoxical view of death and birth, of letting go and seeding. It tells us that time is not really our enemy, but not exactly our friend either.

Autumn is the first book in the Seasonal Quartet, followed by Winter.

Book details:
Title:  Autumn
Author:  Ali Smith
Publications: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Pantheon, 07 Feb 2017
Genre: Literary Fiction / Women's Fiction
Rating: ★★★★

*Thank you, Pantheon and Netgalley for the review copy.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Book Review | YOUNG JANE YOUNG by Gabrielle Zevin

August 29, 2017
Penguin Random House

Sincerely sharp!

I won a copy through Goodreads giveaways. I was so excited because having read THE STORIED LIFE OF A.J. FIKRY, I knew Ms. Zevin will pull off another unconventional structure.

I am getting ahead of myself again, let’s return to the beginning…

Aviva Grossman is on her first internship -had an affair with a politician (very much married), blogged about it, and the netizens made sure that she is never forgotten. A second chance is so bleak. Her relationship with her parents was affected, her studies and career were affected, and even her sex life was affected. Until she decided to reinvent herself.
“They didn’t put a scarlet letter on her chest, but they didn’t need to. That’s what the Internet is for.”
The book is divided into five parts, told by women from different generations, in honest-to-God details. Women whose resilience was highlighted through their flaws. Their voices have varying levels that strongly speak of distinctiveness and worth. Ms. Zevin made her every character undeniably timely and relevant.

The plot discloses effortlessly, using an unusual book structure. It was refreshing, absorbing the reader from start to finish. It amazes me how the various approaches helped highlight the noteworthy parts further.
"Life unspools more inevitably."
Do not let the book cover deceive you into thinking that this is just another light read. It is funny and entertaining, yes, but it is also thought-provoking, hitting each nail in the head. YOUNG JANE YOUNG is a story of women empowerment, survival, and the biased sexist degradation that still plagues women today.

Book details:
Author:  Gabrielle Zevin
Publication:  August 29, 2017; Penguin Random House
Genre:  Fiction
Rating:  ★★★★

*Thank you, Penguin Random House Canada and Goodreads, for sending me a copy. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

Book Review | SELECT by Marit Weisenberg

October 3, 2017
Charlesbridge Teen
“It had always been a fact of life that we were biologically different—better—and that it had to be kept secret.”  
Seventeen-year-old Julia Jaynes has the perfect life. She’s beautiful, freakishly athletic, and extremely smart. That’s because she comes from a race of highly-evolved humans living in the heart of Austin, Texas.  
In order to protect their anonymity and preserve their elite society, Julia’s powerful father forces her to suppress her abilities. When she accidentally demonstrates her super human prowess in public, she’s banished to the one place meant to make her feel inferior: public high school. Thrust into the confusion and humiliation of a normal high school, Julia is just trying to keep her head down when John Ford strolls into her life. (Read complete synopsis here.)

This book basically has that Star-Crossed-Lovers trope. Julia Jaynes was born to a billionaire family with genetically superior genes than common humans. For decades, her kind is hiding in plain sight among the populace. And despite their great fortune and efforts, they are close to extinction. Meanwhile, John Ford is your average senior high school guy struggling to get into college through a scholarship.

The book synopsis said it all. Readers don’t have to look very far and grasp that this book has all the trending YA elements:  (1) a certain group of people with inhuman abilities, (2) they need to keep their identity a secret, (3) intermingling is a big no, (4) angsty teenagers, (5) stunning beauty, and (6) a love triangle. If you are into all of that, then, this book is for you. However, I am looking for something… more. I was looking for something outstanding in the story that may trump those previous YA books. Something absolutely exciting or may shock the senses, that will remain with the reader for a long period of time.

Now, I am not saying that there is nothing great about this book. The story is really well-paced. I read the whole book for only a few hours without any backtracking. The general plot is very interesting. Julia came from a group of people who experienced genocide. Their number is small and nearing extinction. Now, that’s a huge topic to explore, given with all the issues in the world today. I was actually hoping the story to explore more of this perspective, rather than the love pursuits of the characters.  And speaking of characters, I like them. They need more depth, not just their life grievances. But yes, I do like them.

Overall, this is okay. It has plenty of potentials and hopefully, Ms. Weisenberg explores them all.

Book detail:
Title:  Select
Author:  Marit Weisenberg
Publication:  October 3rd, 2017 by Charlesbridge Teen
Genre:  YA Fiction
Rating: ★★★

Book #2: Select Few

*Thanks to Charlesbridge Teen and Netgalley for the copy.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Book Review | EVERY LAST LIE by Mary Kubica

June 27, 2017; Park Row Books
New York Times bestselling author of THE GOOD GIRL, Mary Kubica is back with another exhilarating thriller as a widow's pursuit of the truth leads her to the darkest corners of the psyche. 
Grief-stricken and seriously stressed, Clara Solberg is not handling her husband’s death the way she wants to. Too many things are piling up while she is trying to compromise with her current state, along with a four-year-old daughter and a new-born son. A few days later, details emerge and Clara starts to question whether Nick really had an accident or was he actually murdered.

EVERY LAST LIE is another suspenseful novel from Mary Kubica, a slow burn that kept me at the edge of my seat. Whenever I thought I had it all figured out, the clues will pull me in a different direction. With her customary technique, the narration is altered between Clara and Nick, giving me a chance to cross out every mistaken conjecture. The characters are all vividly rendered, they readily hooked this reader and before I knew it, I was totally invested on them.

I love how this book explored marriage and trust in the midst of a tragedy, and how these things ultimately affect how we perceive things. I do recommend this book.

Book details:
Title:  Every Last Lie
Author:  Mary Kubica
Publication:  June 27, 2017; Park Row Books
Genre:  Mystery / Fiction
Rating: ★★★★

Monday, May 15, 2017

THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho

“When you really want something to happen,
the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true.”

El alquimista es una novela optimista; la clase que le dice que toda sea posible si usted trabaja difícilmente para él. Parecido simples, pero como Coelho indica las “cosas simples son más el objeto de valor y solamente la gente sabia las aprecia.”

La novela narra la historia de Santiago, un muchacho pastor que tuvo el coraje de seguir sus sueños. Atrevió el viaje y vio la grandeza del mundo; y conocer personas que ayudaron a moldear sus decisiones.  Entre ellos está el vendedor cristalino que sabe que él puede alcanzar grandeza pero que niega el hacer así pues, y termina encima de vivir una vida vacía. Miedo al fracaso parece ser el mayor obstáculo para la felicidad, pero este condujo Santiago aún más para lograr su objetivo. Al final, Santiago descubrió que “tesoro mentiras donde pertenece tu corazón,” y que el tesoro era el viaje en sí mismo y la sabiduría adquirida a través de él.

Esto es una novela atractiva para todos, porque todos podemos identificar con Santiago: Todos tenemos sueños.

Esta obra maestra de Coelho dice que no debemos evitar nuestro destino para encontrar la felicidad definitiva. Una palabras hábilmente combinado, filosofía y lenguaje hicieron una novela maravillosa fuera Del Alquimista.

Book details:
Title:  The Alchemist
Author:  Paulo Coelho
Publication:   May 1st, 1993 by HarperCollins
Genre:  Fiction
Rating:  ★★★★

*Originally posted here in English.

Friday, May 12, 2017


Hello. It’s been a while since my last entry and that got me thinking if any of you are still out there. 😅*crossing fingers The last few weeks had been very busy and, as you may know, moving into another country (another continent, really) is never easy. As of now, it’s acquainting with the new house, the new bed, the climate, and a timeline for me. The most challenging, right now, is getting acquainted with the new church. Will I ever be acquainted? That is. I’ve always believed in the fact that to belong to a church I need to have a purpose. So, let’s see if I can identify my purpose here.

Did I say I was busy? Well, I’ve been busy touring around Alberta, Canada. Believe me, it’s not a posh endeavor. Don’t get me wrong, the places we’ve been are absolutely interesting and wonderful, but the drive was long and, well, long. Good thing we have Cindy Lauper to accompany us most of the time. 🎵 I drove all night to get to you.🎶

My hubby, being adorable as he’d always been, drove me to browse around CrossIron Mills Outlets Mall. I unashamedly bought boots, clothes, and food. Go ahead, judge me for being a girl.😜 But, even though, there’s an Indigo outlet, I didn’t get any book. I was busy looking at what book people picked up, instead.

There was this one morning when we drove to see the beautiful frozen Lake Louise, which is absolutely pristine, but freakishly cold too. Hubby said that we should go back in the summer, and we really should. We also went to see the Banff Park Museum, which was very educational and startling. Although, it’s a place I’m sure my daughter would never enter by choice, because of the huge taxidermy collection. She’s an animal person, you see. They have some really interesting shops in that town. Plenty of people, too. The line at Starbucks was ridiculous, I tell you, but it gave me enough time to observe people. I’ve been spending a lot of time observing people lately, hmmm.

We spent one Sunday afternoon walking around downtown Calgary –taking pictures and internalizing how to be tourists. This is followed by an even more interesting Monday, driving around looking into Calgary’s independent bookstores and chatting with their accommodating store clerks. I’m going to write a piece about that on a different post.

On our way to Saskatchewan, we drove first into Drumheller. Dinosaurs walk that town. We went to see the Tyrell Museum, Homestead Museum, and the Hoodoos. The whole trip was wonderful. I literally want to take pictures of every hump and rock formations. It’s a warm place, where the sun sets a couple of hours before midnight. And it was funny and cool walking around wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night.😎

Here’s the thing, moving continent, I also need to move my files and whatnot. So I’m doing my best to move my book reviews into one place, where there’s actually a working chronological order. Be forewarned that I’ll be posting pre-Blogger book reviews I wrote in Shelfari, Goodreads, and Tumblr. Hopefully, they will not bore you.  You let me know, okay?

Before I forgot, I’ve been to concerts and had drinks, of course. Thank you to all the wonderful people who provided our tickets. So, yeah, I just want you guys to know that I still have a nightlife, despite the cold, here in the new continent.

Sorry for not writing sooner. I’ll sit again to write something actually book related, promise.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wednesday Spotlight | The Unwanted by Jean Nicole Rivers

About the book:
In the remote, eastern European town of Borslav there is St. Sebastian orphanage, a place where people discard their unwanted children. For the American, Blaire Baker, it’s the perfect place to volunteer her services. Paired with a cheerful volunteer nurse, Blaire is enthusiastic about the possibilities, but is quickly discouraged when she encounters the nefarious nature of the staff and the deplorable conditions of the facility and the children. 
Upon arrival, one of the children informs Blaire, “There’s something in the basement.” It isn’t long before strange things begin happening, including Blaire’s flashbacks of the accident that killed her parents. The children soon suffer injuries that Blaire, first, fears may be the deeds of the callous workers but she soon thinks the abuse may originate from a source that is less than human, something unwanted. 
The unwanted is coming but in order for Blaire to fight it, she must dig into St. Sebastian and herself in search of truth. Blaire wants nothing more than to help the children, but when discovers the tragedy that happened in the basement and learns that the same evil forces are still at work, it will be Blaire who needs help…There’s something in the basement.

Watch the book trailer.

You can get your copy of The Unwanted (Black Water Tales #2) via Amazon.

About the Author:

Jean Nicole Rivers is a great lover of reading and writing. Although she loves varied genres, the horror/thriller genre is her favorite. Jean Nicole has been writing poetry and short stories since she was a child, but has always aspired to master the art of storytelling through novels. The Unwanted is the second story in her series of Black Water Tales, following The Secret Keepers. Jean Nicole was awarded 3rd place in the National Black Book Festival’s 2013 Best New Author competition and she enjoys the honor of having written featured articles for popular reader websites and blogs, such as Digital Book Today and The Masquerade Crew. Jean Nicole Rivers graduated from Florida International University with a bachelor of arts in philosophy, and she lives in Houston, Texas. Become friends with her at Follow her on Twitter @Jeannicole19. Check out her Instagram @Jeannicole19 or visit her at

*Content sent by the author for this blog's publication. This is a free ad.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Book Review | RISE AND SHINE, BENEDICT STONE by Phaedra Patrick

May 16th, 2017 by MIRA
Moonstone for empathy. Azurite for memories. Lapis lazuli for truth… In the quiet village of Noon Sun, Benedict Stone has settled into a complacent and predictable routine. Business at his jewelry shop has dried up; his marriage is on the rocks. His life is in desperate need of a jump start…

And then a surprise arrives at his door. ~ Goodreads

Very much like her first book, Ms. Patrick created characters that are simply charming and attachable. I was instantly charmed by Benedict Stone, so, I have hooked into the story straight away and read the whole thing in less than a day.

RISE AND SHINE, BENEDICT STONE follows the story of a local jeweler. Orphaned at eighteen, Benedict was left to raise his younger brother, Charlie, and run the shop. However, events estranged the brothers apart for many years. Until, his niece, whom he never met before, knocked on his door one rainy evening. Although unprepared and a bit overwhelmed, Benedict, finds that Gemma’s presence brings him a certain awakening.

This is one delightful read. It tackles family and communal issues, childlessness, and the sense of self-efficacy with a good sense of honesty and depth. It’s a bit magical, too, in some sense, but totally works for the whole premise. Maybe some parts happened a bit opportunely or sappy, but I find them all part of the charm that hooked me. I think it’s this kind of simple, but sparkling read, that this troubled world needs to have more.

I do recommend that you, guys, get a copy soon.

Book details:
Author:  Phaedra Patrick
Publication:  May 16th, 2017 by MIRA
Genre:  Fiction
Rating: ★★★★★

*Thanks to MIRA and Netgalley for the DRC in exchange for this honest review.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Wednesday Spotlight | Last Year's Resolution by Robert Lampros

About the book:
Last Year’s Resolution is a novel about Edmund Stovender, a famous author who falls in love with Marie, a journalist who calls him for an interview just before the performance of his hit play.  Their lives accelerate through an epic adventure testing their faith, strength, and love for each other, as they discover that their story might pivotally influence the fate of the world.

You can get your copy of Last Year's Resolution via Amazon.

About the Author:

Robert Lampros is an author of Christian poetry, essays, and fiction who lives in St. Louis.  He earned a Bachelor's degree in English Literature from Washington University in St. Louis.  His books include Fits of Tranquility, Illuminating Sidewalks, Om-Bork, Afternoon, Eleven Floors, and What Is Sacred.  His latest novel, Last Year's Resolution, is currently available as an e-book and is set to be released in paperback in Summer 2016.

Follow Robert’s blog and on Twitter.

*Contents were sent by the author for this blog's publication. This is a free ad.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Book Review | SEE YOU IN THE COSMOS by Jack Cheng

February 28, 2017;
Penguin Random House UK Children’s Puffin

A space-obsessed boy and his dog, Carl Sagan, take a journey toward family, love, hope, and awe in this funny and moving novel for fans of Counting by 7s and Walk Two Moons. ~ Goodreads

Eleven-year-old Alex Petroski is Jack Cheng’s charming and peculiar half-Filipino narrator for his debut novel, SEE YOU IN THE COSMOS. Alex records his multitudinous thoughts and adventures –he records everything– on his golden iPod. He dreams of launching a rocket and taking his golden iPod into space, with the same intentions as his idol Carl Sagan, who launched his Golden Record on the Voyager spacecraft in 1977. So determined, Alex went to the Southwest High-Altitude Rocket Festival in New Mexico with only his dog Carl Sagan (named after his idol, of course) to tag along.

SHARF is not Alex’s last stop, though. From there, he will take a leap of faith to find a man who may be or may not be his father, who also may not be dead yet, as he believed, in Las Vegas. Alex will experience disappointments and confusion throughout the journey. He will also meet plenty of people. They were not perfect or idealistic, but they certainly made a beautiful family together.

Cheng brings a poignant debut novel with a surprisingly refreshing structure –an unusual form that may appear confusing, but actually worked wonderfully in fleshing out his characters and deliver a message of resilience. 

In the beginning, I was skeptical that Alex will break my heart along the way, and that I’ll have no defenses against it. I’m glad that he did not break my heart, but he definitely hooked it. I do recommend that you grab a copy of this book.

Book details:
Author:  Jack Cheng
Publication:  February 28, 2017;
                        Penguin Random House UK Children’s Puffin
Genre:  Middle Grade, Children's Fiction
Rating: ★★★★

*Thanks to Penguin Random House and NetGalley for the DRC, in exchange for this unbiased review.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Wednesday Spotlight | The Last Wife of Attila the Hun by Joan Schweighardt

About the book:
Two threads are flawlessly woven together in this sweeping historical novel. In one, Gudrun, a Burgundian noblewoman, dares to enter the City of Attila to give its ruler what she hopes is a cursed sword; the second reveals the unimaginable events that have driven her to this mission.
Based in part on the true history of the times and in part on the same Nordic legends that inspired Wagner’s Ring Cycle and other great works of art, The Last Wife of Attila the Hun offers readers a thrilling story of love, betrayal, passion and revenge, all set against an ancient backdrop itself gushing with intrigue. Lovers of history and fantasy alike will find realism and legend at work in Joan Schweighardt’s latest offering.

You can get your copy of The Last Wife of Attila the Hun via Amazon, B&N or iTunes.

About the Author:

Joan Schweighardt is the author of five novels, with a sixth well on the way and notes for number seven. In addition to her own writing projects, she writes, ghostwrites, and edits for individuals and corporations. Her business website can be viewed at

Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

*Contents were sent by Booktrope Edition's Book Manager for this blog's publication. This is a free ad.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Book Review | THE AWAKENING by Amanda Stevens

March 28th, 2017, Mira
My name is Amelia Gray, and I'm a cemetery restorer who lives with the dead. An anonymous donor has hired me to restore Woodbine Cemetery, a place where the rich and powerful bury their secrets. Forty years ago, a child disappeared without a trace and now her ghost has awakened, demanding that I find out the truth about her death. Only I know that she was murdered. Only I can bring her killer to justice. But the clues that I follow—a haunting melody and an unnamed baby's grave—lead me to a series of disturbing suspects. 

I have been a fan of this series ever since I requested for the 1st book via NetGalley. I highly recommend that you pick a copy now if you haven’t already. The Restorer completely hooked me and left me in agony for the next book, then the next, and then, the next.  Amelia Gray, the protagonist, was a huge curiosity for me.  I never imagined a cemetery restorer was an actual career until I met her. I’ve watched her evolve from book to book. Having her powers never excused her from being vulnerable, but her resilience is palpable and very admirable. And I have always rooted for her.

Ms. Amanda created a vivid atmosphere for this series. She captured Charleston for the readers and projected it into something we could actually breathe in and consume. Every book contains an escalating plot that would eventually boil into an eerie, yet satisfying read.

Again, THE AWAKENING is no exception. Amelia knew from the beginning that restoring Woodbine Cemetery would mean uncovering a secret. It may be a secret far darker from anything she had encountered before. And being in proximity with John Devlin and the Conge will not make anything easier for her. Death may even be inevitable this time.

Shush… lest she awakens…
Saying goodbye to this series is like saying goodbye to an old friend. Of course, mine is a mixed feeling of both happiness and sadness. I am still reeling from the ending, but I couldn’t see a more fulfilling way to end it. Years from now, I would look back and be reminded that The Graveyard Queen was the series that kept me from sleeping, made me stare at my window more than I should, check my walls and ceiling, and literally duck under the covers in hunt of that elusive sleep.

Congratulations, Ms. Amanda!

Book details:
Title:  The Awakening
Author:  Amanda Stevens
Publication:  March 28th, 2017 by Mira
Genre:  Fiction / Paranormal
Rating: ★★★★★

*Graveyard Queen Series:

*Egalley was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for this honest review. 
This review contains a quote from an uncorrected copy.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Wednesday Spotlight | Blackbeard's Daughter by Diana Strenka

About the book:

Colonial dreams have become piratical nightmares. Margaret takes one disastrous turn after the other as she confronts the perils of murder, war, and revenge. When her father decides to pursue criminal mischief aboard a pirate's vessel, Margaret joins him in an effort to save his life. Will she weather the storms ahead, or will they destroy her?
You can get your copy of Blackbeard’s Daughter via Amazon or Smashwords.

About the Author:

Diana has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and a Master's Degree in Education.  In addition to Blackbeard's Daughter, she has authored and self-published several short stories on Smashwords and Amazon.   One such title is Rescuing the Titanic, a fictional account of the Californian arriving before the Titanic sank. In the nonfiction realm, she has published several articles for HubPages on medieval and renaissance historical figures. She enjoys taking care of her cat, Moe, and drinking tea.

Follow her on Twitter.

*Content was sent by the author for this blog's publication. This is a free ad.

Monday, February 6, 2017

CALL ME BY YOUR NAME by André Aciman

Every place I am acquainted with is buzzing with excitement because of Luca Guadagnino’s adaptation of the book. It was initially released last January 22 of this year. I have not seen the movie, though. I don’t usually watch book adaptations (with only two exceptions: the Harry Potter series and Game of Thrones series). Although, Guadagnino’s peculiarity on shooting the entire movie with a 35 mm lens alone, and his reason for doing so, are really intriguing. So, you may rest assured that this is not a movie promotional review.

CALL ME BY YOUR NAME was our TFG book for March of 2016, and it was on my best book list, too. Exploring the internet, you’ll see both accolades and rebukes for the author, the same goes with the book. The aptest description I’ve read so far was “maddening”. This book has the capacity to hurl my emotions into a turbulent sea. My need to resurface for air, every now and then, was acutely palpable.
Adflictus sum et humiliatus sum nimis rugiebam a gemitu cordis mei! -Psalm 37:9 DRA

Reading Elio prompted me to look around me, asking myself if I made the right choices. Mindfully, he allowed me to view choices akin to a tub of boiling water, jumping in will not spare me from scars, but it will be absolutely liberating. I will wear those scars proudly because they are intrinsically part of me. Elio made choices by predicting how these choices will affect his feelings, his being, in the future. He, in every sense, provides his future adult self an emotional revelation he befittingly deserves. It astounded me (it still does, I believe) how Elio marries his present and his envisioned self without any sense of insincerity or regret.
Most of us can't help but live as though we've got two lives to live, one is the mockup, the other the finished version, and then there are all those versions in between. -Sam Perlman

As much as people categorized this book as an LGBT novel or romance, it will remain as a coming of age book for me. The greatest magic of this book is that it shows people, and I mean everyone, will transform. This space we occupy now, though necessary, is evanescent. We will, in essence, continue laboring for our envisioned future selves. In his purity, Elio created a portrait of a love fated to last lifetimes, even when that love is no longer with him. Since every human is driven by desire, we choose to love someone that will aid us to project the kind of person we want to be, into a full-bodied being the world will see. Every desire, present or absent, will help ferry us into that envisioned being.
Instead, I squirreled away small things so that in the lean days ahead glimmers from the past might bring back the warmth. I began, reluctantly, to steal from the present to pay off debts I knew I’d incur in the future. -Elio

SPOILER ALERT. The best part of this book for me was the father and son's reserved scene. It bespoke of a father’s unparalleled love for his son. It squeezed my heart, because, truly, in our pursuit of that envisioned self, we will need all the people who love us.
If there is pain, nurse it, and if there is a flame, don't snuff it out, don't be brutal with it. Withdrawal can be a terrible thing when it keeps us awake at night, and watching others forget us sooner than we'd want to be forgotten is no better. We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything - what a waste! -Sam Perlman

Title:  Call Me By Your Name
Author:  André Aciman
Publication:  January 22nd, 2008; Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Genre:  Fiction / Coming of Age
Rating: ★★★★★