Monday, February 25, 2019

Book Review | THE EDITOR by Steven Rowley

April 2nd, 2019
G.P. Putnam's Sons

From the bestselling author of Lily and the Octopus 
comes a funny, poignant, and highly original novel 
about an author whose relationship
with his very famous book editor 
will change him forever
--both as a writer and a son. -Goodreads

James Smale and I have one thing in common - both of our mothers love the Kennedys. And for a time, my mother used to dress like Jackie O. too, complete with accessories. My siblings and I were never prouder than when introducing her to everyone in any school functions. I am sure James feels the same for her mother, she was his greatest ally. Most mothers would be excited if their son writes a novel based on them. Unexpectedly, not here.

This is a story of a young author in the cusp of publishing his debut novel, The Quarantine. But his editor, Mrs. Onassis, insists on a great ending. So, she sends James home, to his mother, to get it right. In his heart, James knows he must face his own quarantine. Little did he expect that seeking his book's ending is going to be turbulent and exacting.

THE EDITOR is an absolute precious read. I enjoyed Rowley’s writing style and wit. The book is not mawkishly sentimental and replete of ruminations. It is a son’s journey to understand his mother, just as much about having the courage to discover one’s past and about living forward.

Hard truths can drive people apart. But great art can bring them back together.

And by-the-way, this book has a particularly sensitive portrait of Jacqueline Kennedy and a plot -a very good one in fact.

Book details:
Title: The Editor
Author: Steven Rowley
Publication: April 2nd, 2019 by G.P. Putnam's Sons
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rating: ★★★★★

*Thank you, G.P. Putnam’s Sons and Edelweiss
for the DRC in exchange for this unbiased review.
*Kudos to Francesca Belanger for the beautiful book design.
*Review contains a quote from an uncorrected e-galley.


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