Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge: February

The love month is finally here. And let me guess, your reading list for this month follows the tale-as-old-a-time theme. No reason for anyone not to celebrate it, but, as for me, I choose to follow the new weird and the macabre, instead.

But before that, a recap of the January books is in order.

This year started with some very good books. I do hope that the following months will be interesting and fruitful.

For February:
  • Love Walked In by Marisa de Los Santos - TFG's book of the month.
  • Perdido Street Station by China Miéville - A buddy read with some book club friends.
  • Oxford Murders by Guillermo Martínez - I am really looking forward to reading this. It was translated by Sonia Soto, the same person who translated The Athenian Murders and The Club Dumas.
Happy Love Month, everyone!


  1. Perdido is shaping up to be an awesome read. Very high in the strange and icky meter, in a good way. Haha. (Also, the audiobook is lovely!)

    1. Hahaha. The icky meter is escalating by the pages. :)

  2. See you at the Perdido Street Station, Mommy!

  3. Perdido Street Station is not that icky anymore! (At the part where I am currently at.) Hehe! Or maybe because we're used to it, to the world created by Mieville.

    1. Well, that's a relief! Thanks for the heads up, Meliza. :)
