Thursday, January 2, 2014

Louize has completed the 2013 Reading Challenge

Welcome, 2014!

Wow, what a year 2013 had been for me!  There is so much to tell, but, of course, I don’t want to bore you with the details. Let us take a look back at what I've read for the last 12 months instead, shall we?

At the beginning of 2013, I've challenged myself to read 75 books.  I am very happy to share with you that I've read 81 books.  It was a mix collection; I've read from children's books, novellas, to some chunks novels.  In total, I've read 21,960 pages, compared to last year’s 20,062. I've joined 6 buddy reads, and they were the most interesting by far.   Also, I've read all the TFG F2F voted books for 2013.  

There is a case-full of unread books that I need to tackle, and it would be very regrettable not to read them before we fully migrate to the other side of the world.  So for 2014, I believe I'll challenge myself into reading 70 full-length novels only, meaning no novellas or children's picture books. I am considering to read a collection (or author) per month.  This will be a trial and error process, so let’s see which will work best.  But definitely, I intend to finish all those printed copies I have in that bookcase.

Another year of reading challenges, I am excited to read your plans too.  Cheers!


  1. Wait, moving to another side of the world???

    Happy new year, Louize! Hope to see you this year! :)

    1. Happy New Year!
      Sorry, Lynai. I didn't realize you have not heard about that before this. But yes, it's true. Not anytime soon though. :)

  2. Wow! Congratulations, Louize! Such resilience and stamina!

    1. Thank you, Peter. Inspite of my present TBR list, I'll still look forward to your recommendations. ♥

  3. 81 books! That's pretty awesome. :D Here's to a great 2014 ahead!
